Naturopathic Medicine

Carroll Food Intolerance Evaluation

Alternative Medicine

The Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle, non-invasive body therapy focusing on the 7 gateways of the spine and 33 access points to locate and decrease blockages caused by stress. Just as there is a state of equilibrium in the body- where healing, digestion and wellness happen- there is equally, or greater, a load of pressure and stress in our modern lives. The three types of stress experienced ar... Read More

The Spinal Flow Technique is a gentle, non-invasive body therapy focusing on the 7 gateways of the spine and 33 access points to locate and decrease blockages caused by stress. Just as there is a state of equilibrium in the body- where healing, digestion and wellness happen- there is equally, or greater, a load of pressure and stress in our modern lives. The three types of stress experienced are physical (falls, postural strain, the birth process), chemical (food we eat, air we breathe), and emotional (childhood traumas, past events). While one incident will cause a simple blockage, many of us experience multiple stressors, overtime causing the blockage to develop layers. These layers are stored in the spine, leading to pain, disconnect, and dis-ease.

As I contact an access point, your body will recognize it as a gateway to ease, initiating the spinal wave. This wave softens, shifts, and releases spinal blockages. Ease floods the body, and it moves from a sympathetic (fight/flight/freeze) state to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state. The outcome? Not only structural realignment, reduced pain, and release of stress and stored trauma, but also a profound sense of peace, connection, and ease.

From 0-99, anyone can benefit from Spinal Flow, and I look forward to helping you on your journey to wellness.

Massage Therapy

My philosophy in my practice is that the patient on the table is always the authority. I am simply a humble servant here to provide your healing needs. I will adjust my massage to your preference whether you like a nice deep tissue massage, or a lighter Swedish massage. When it comes to healing and recovery, I am a firm believer in the law that happiness will dictate recovery, so I don't tre... Read More

My philosophy in my practice is that the patient on the table is always the authority. I am simply a humble servant here to provide your healing needs. I will adjust my massage to your preference whether you like a nice deep tissue massage, or a lighter Swedish massage. When it comes to healing and recovery, I am a firm believer in the law that happiness will dictate recovery, so I don't treat you as an injury that needs to be fixed, but a person who is coming for healing. I also specialize in different two different types of therapy: Myofascial Release Type Therapy and Bowen Therapy. I am a firm believer that we hold trauma in our fascial system and that when we release tension or trauma in the fascia we can open ourselves up to new ways to grow and move forward in life. In regards to Bowen Therapy, I apply gentle, non invasive, and small rolling moves on specific points on the body, which stimulate the superficial fascia to try and attempt to cause the body to return to a state of homeostasis. This treatment is also covered under insurances as a Registered Massage Therapist.

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